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Support and Advice: The KTS Project Office

The KTS Project Office is the central point of contact between the Model Projects Smart Cities and the Coordination and Transfer Office Model Projects Smart Cities (KTS).

The Project Office acts as a central point of contact for the Model Projects Smart Cities Funding Programme - also for non-funded municipalities and other interested parties.

Above all, the Project Office's advisors provide personal support to the Model Projects Smart Cities (MPSC):

  • They answer questions or forward them to competent persons for answers.
  • They support the networking of individual or several Model Projects Smart Cities with similar measures.
  • They connect local needs with the services offered by the Coordination and Transfer Office Model Projects Smart Cities, for example, counselling services such as Start Smart and networking Events.

The team in the Project Office is made up of different teams of employees from the consortium partners. The locations of the Project Office are spread across all regions of Germany: Berlin, Bonn, Braunschweig, Dresden, Kaiserslautern and Stuttgart.

Coordination and Transfer Office Model Projects Smart Cities (KTS)

c/o DLR-Projektträger
Heinrich-Konen-Straße 1 | 53227 Bonn
KTS-Hotline: +49 30 67055 9999

Michael Huch

Michael Huch

DLR Projektträger
stellv. Projektleiter KTS
Tel.: +493067055600