Grafische Illustration Start Smart Titelbild
Urban Catalyst

Start Smart: Knowledge Transfer and Networking for Local Authorities

Inspiration and motivation for municipalities on their way to becoming smart cities: With the Start Smart format, the Coordination and Transfer Office Model Projects Smart Cities (KTS) offers a comprehensive, specially created advisory, exchange and information service for non-funded municipalities.

The digital transformation presents all municipalities with the task of seeing change through digitalisation as an opportunity. The concept of the smart city is central and guiding for both large and small municipalities and digital pioneers: the aim is to actively tackle the challenges posed by digitalisation and create a liveable, future-proof smart city in the sense of integrated urban development geared towards the common good - this is where the Start Smart programme comes in.

What is Start Smart?

Start Smart is a format offering information and advice specifically for all municipalities that are not funded as Model Projects Smart Cities (MPSC) by the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB). Municipalities that have already gained initial experience on the path to becoming a smart city are just as welcome as participants in this format as municipalities that are at the beginning of this path and are looking for content-related and practical support.

What does Start Smart offer municipalities?

The Start Smart format is made up of various modules that interested municipalities can select and use individually according to specific municipal interests and needs. In addition, funded municipalities contribute their knowledge and experience to these formats as part of this programme. In this way, non-funded municipalities also benefit from this exchange, knowledge transfer and dialogue.  

Shaping the digital transformation in the interests of urban development for the common good is a task for all municipalities in Germany: Start Smart supports municipalities on the road to becoming a smart city.

Start Smart for All Municipalities

Kick-off Workshops

  • Introduction to the basics of a smart city understanding
  • Interaction between digitalisation and urban development
  • Overview of current Start Smart offers
  • Comparison with local thematic focal points of interest and needs
  • Target group: all municipalities that are still at the beginning of their smart city projects
  • Duration: 1.5 hours, virtual

All dates and events can be found here.

Initial Consultations

Icon zum Angebot Initialberatungen im Beratungsformat Start Smart
Urban Catalyst
  • Customised advice on the objectives, added value and opportunities of the smart city in the local context
  • Information on strategy development & digitalisation projects
  • Content-related support, such as with status analyses, target definitions, participation formats
  • Target group: all municipalities that want to become smart cities
  • Duration: half-day, on-site or virtual

Registration for initial consultations via an expression of interest (in German only): Indicating ones interest in a consultation here and the Start Smart team will get in touch with all interested in it.


Icon zum Angebot Peer-Learnings im Beratungsformat Start Smart
Urban Catalyst
  • Communicate smart city knowledge, share findings from model municipalities, promote networking and knowledge exchange
  • Introduction to and deepening of topics such as sustainable mobility, change management, participation of urban society or climate-friendly urban development
  • Duration: 6 sessions of 2 hours each, virtual

All current topics and dates in the can be found here: peer-learning format (only in German)


Theme Workshops

Icon zum Angebot Themenwerkstätten im Beratungsformat Start Smart
Urban Catalyst
  • Communicate smart city knowledge, share findings from model municipalities, promote networking and knowledge exchange
  • Introduction to and deepening of topics such as sustainable mobility, change management, participation of urban society or climate-friendly urban development
  • Duration: 3.5 hours, virtual

Topics and dates can be found here.

Regional Conferences

Icon zu Regionalkonferenzen
Urban Catalyst

The Model Projects Smart Cities (MPSC) regularly invite visitors to different regions of Germany to discover and familiarise themselves with the results of their work on site.

Topics and dates can be found here.


Shaping the digital city: A handout for local authorities (German)

Year of publication: 2022

The handout from the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) supports municipalities on their way to becoming a smart city in developing a local digital strategy and implementing digital projects. It is aimed in particular at employees of administrations in small and medium-sized municipalities, rural communities and districts. The publication is intended to help them proactively deal with the digitalisation of infrastructures, administration and the fields of action of urban development.

Still Having Questions About Start Smart?

Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here (in German only).

Needing help by phone and email? 
Please call +49 2641 973 560 or write an e-mail.

Being interested in Start Smart and wanting to be kept up to date about events and offers?

Please contact the team with an expression of interest (only in German).


Simone Schöttmer

Simone Schöttmer

IQIB – Institut für qualifizierende Innovationsforschung und -beratung GmbH
Koordinierungs- und Transferstelle Smart Cities (KTS); Wissenstransfer und Vernetzung
Tel.: +492641973560
Christoph Walther

Christoph Walther

Urban Catalyst GmbH | Partner der KTS für Wissenstransfer und Vernetzung
Tel.: +493053210696